7 nutrition rules for active seniors

When it comes to taking care of your body, there are people who gravitate towards working out and those who gravitate towards dieting. An ideal regimen would be one that combines both these options. If you keep working out but you’re not paying attention to your diet, you might end up gaining weight and developing digestive and other health problems. If you only diet but refuse to work out, your body is bound to lose muscle tone as you grow older, which can also lead to a decline in bone density. Assuming that you’re exercising at least three times a week, it becomes important for you to eat nutritionally rich foods which will help your body to repair itself.
Try these 7 tips for senior nutrition:
You need to get a lot of protein if you’re working out regularly. This helps to repair your muscles and also gives you more energy. It’s preferable to get this protein from white meat, fish, egg whites or vegetarian sources like tofu and beans. Try to avoid red meat, which tends to be higher in saturated fat and cholesterol. Make sure you have some protein at every meal to keep you satiated. Just how much protein do you need? Males 51 and older with a moderate level of activity should consume 5.5 ounces of protein daily, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Females in the same age group should eat 5.0 ounces of protein daily. For those with higher levels of activity, protein intake may be adjusted up to 6.5 ounces for males and 5.5 ounces for females.
It’s also a good idea to have a lot of fiber in your diet. Fiber helps your digestive system function better and it also makes you feel fuller so that you don’t overeat. You can increase your fiber by opting for brown or multi-grain bread instead of white. The more fresh fruits and vegetables you eat, the more fiber you get.
It’s important to eat a variety of foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. The lack of certain vitamins can feel really exhausting to your body. If you don’t get all the vitamins and nutrients you need, you can end up overeating in an effort to compensate. Eat as much fresh produce as you can — and consider taking a supplement as well.
It’s also important to get a lot of liquids in your diet. Most of us don’t drink enough water, so it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on your consumption. Supplement your water intake with fresh fruit smoothies or vegetable juices. Don’t under-eat When you’re going on a diet, you might think that the point is to eat less — but the key is to eat better. The quantities in which you eat might even increase! After all, three cups of mixed fruit might have fewer calories than one chocolate brownie. By switching to healthier foods you’ll be able to fill your stomach and prevent binges.
Don’t under-eat
When you’re going on a diet, you might think that the point is to eat less — but the key is to eat better. The quantities in which you eat might even increase! After all, three cups of mixed fruit might have fewer calories than one chocolate brownie. By switching to healthier foods you’ll be able to fill your stomach and prevent binges.
Allow yourself to cheat
Most diets out there recommend that you “cheat” a little. You can either cheat a little every day or give yourself one cheat day a week. If you’re going with the first option, curb your cravings with a couple of pieces of dark chocolate or a 100-calorie ice cream bar every day. Or, plan ahead and choose one meal a week to cheat. Cheating satisfies you and helps you to keep eating healthy the rest of the time.
Eat more often
Nowadays, a lot of diet gurus recommend that you eat 5 to 6 small meals per day rather than three big ones. There are many advantages to this approach. First of all, it’s easier on your digestive system because you’re not putting too much food in your body at one go. Secondly, it burns more calories because you jump-start your digestive system a handful of times rather than just 3 times. And thirdly, it keeps you light and active throughout the day so that you don’t end up feeling lazy or sleepy after a heavy meal.